Debate on Smart Students and Stupid Students, Who Is Right

Often we face situations of differing opinions when resolving a problem. Sometimes these differences of opinion lead to a heated debate which does not provide a solution. For this reason, so that this does not happen again and again, it would be good to read a short story full of advice on how to respond to differences of opinion without having a heated debate that does not bring benefits.

In China there was once a TEACHER who was highly respected for being firm and honest.
One day, 2 students faced GURU. They had a big fight and almost physical collision.

Both argue about a count of 3x7.

Smart student says 21,

Stupid pupils insist say 27.

Stupid students challenged clever students to ask the TEACHER as their Jurist to find out who was right between them, while the fool said: "If I am right 3 x 7 = 27 then you must be whipped 10 times by GURU, but if you are right (3x7 = 21) then I am willing to cut off my own head ha ha ha ... "the fool challenged very strongly in his opinion

"Say TEACHER, which one is right?" asked the stupid student

It turned out that the TEACHER sentenced the 10x whip to smart students (the person who took the 21st).

The student is good at protesting !!

TEACHERS answer:
"This sentence is not for the results of your calculations, but for NOT YOU who wants to argue with fools who don't know if 3x7 is 21"

The teacher continued: "It's better to see you whipped and become ARIF than the TEACHER must see 1 life wasted!"

Moral message

If we are busy debating something useless it means we are just as wrong or even more wrong than the person who started the debate, because unconsciously we have wasted time and energy on things that are not necessary.

Don't we often experience it?

Can happen with spouses, colleagues, neighbors / colleagues, even members of the Board ... hehe

Arguing or fighting for things that are useless, will only drain energy uselessly.

There are times when we are quiet to avoid wasted debates or arguments.

Silence doesn't mean losing, right?

It's not easy, but don't ever argue with fools who don't master the problem.


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